Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Concert

It's Awesome!!!!!!!!! We haven't done the Christmas concert yet but I know it's going to be awesome because I'm SANTA.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Trinity College

In 2010, I'm gonig to Trinity College for highschool. Today, Trinity student came to our school to talk to the grade 5 and 6's 'bout Trinity, and how unique it is.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We have been talking about Muhammad, different religions and different celebrations from those religions. We were watching the movie The Prince Of Egypt and the Jewish or hebrew people live and what they did three and a half thousand years ago. Our class is getting back into the rotations and I am in group Maggie. For those who don't know we have names for our groups. We have Maggie, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Homer. Basically all of the Simpsons family. It's Mattew's birthday party and for his party I'm sleeping over and no one else is. After the sleep over Matthew, Ryan, Tom and I are going to Time Zone and we all go home after that. That's the bad thing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Talent Show

All of the acts at the talent show were great.There were acts of magic,stories,peolpe,singing,music and Dancing.
The act that I liked most was the drum act.
The reason why I liked that act was it was energetic they
stuffed up but they kept on going and also because they
sounded good.

Monday, June 14, 2010

School work

We are doing time lines at school and it is a little hard but I think I did well since I've never really done it before.We are also doing number lines.Mr Armstrong said it is exactly like a time line and I know it is because my pop tought me how to do most of this.

School carnival

I'm sure I tried my hardest to get into the school carnival.I think I have got into shotput because I got 8 metres and 29 centimetres so I think no one will pass me because I did a good job.
In longjump I broke my record I don't know how much though but my jump didn't make it in and I am sure about that because theirwas a lot of people in front of me still jumping.
In highjump I broke my record again bye a mile by getting over a metre but a lot of people again was still in front of me because they were lucky that the Joel didn't come in and beat them.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reflection on unit 2

This unit wasn't easy or hard it was just in the middle.
Our family history came back in the convict time so I
had to go right back to that time and talk about and that's
what I thought was the hardest part.
I'm sure that I learnt a lot about my family and Australia's
history too.
The most interesting thing that I learnt about my family was
that they came with first fleet.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Australian immigration

I pretty sure that I went well at this assignment and it was hard too.
I took a long time to do it but Mr Armstrong said it was good.
This assignment for our report card was to do your family history
with the Australia's history.
Mr Armstrong is going to mark it soon and I hope I went good
on it and I hope Mr Armstrong put's a good mark on it.

In maths we are doing perimeter's and area's and it isn't that hard
but it's not that easy eather.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gala Day

We went really well in Fridays Gala Day.We won one and we lost one.
The best thing that happened this Gala Day is that I went on the senior team
and I'm on the junior team.It was really fun.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


On the holidays I'm going to Iluka which is in New South Wales.NSW for short.
We are taking our new improved caravan.

It is close to the water so when we get down there we will see my Nan and Pop
and then we'll go for a swim.Some of our friends are going to be down there so
we will play with them too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gala Day

I hope we win at the gala day because if we do we will
be like the best team in the hole park.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Swimming!!!!!!! Districs

I got in to in to Districs for the school and I'm very good at swimming.At Distics I got 1 2 2 3 3

so I think I did good!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Awesome voki

Get a Voki now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hi i'm Joel and I am in grade 6 now.I am realy looking forawd to help the garden out side of the our class room.There is a swimming carnival is coming up soon and last year I was age champion and I got a medal and I hope to get one this year.Thomas
[my friend]came Second last year but I am planing to smash him this year!!!!!!
I have got two age champion medals in a row,so I hope this my year to get three
in a row!!!Isn't that cool!!!